Housing Minister launches competition to deliver homes fit for the future

News at Ware & Co | 10/03/2020

Commitment to zero emissions


Last year the UK became the first major economy in the world to sign a commitment to net-zero emissions into law, leading the way in tackling climate change. Homes are responsible for 25% of carbon emissions and the competition will place energy efficiency at the forefront of new home design.


The Government is committed to ensuring people can enjoy at least five extra years of healthy independent living by 2035 and the competition seeks out the highest standards of age-adaptable design so that as people grow older, they are supported in living independent, fulfilling lives.


The designs the Government is looking for should be:


  • Age-friendly and inclusive – appealing to a variety of age groups and adaptable to how needs will change as people become older
  • Low environmental impact – applying technology and construction techniques to deliver net-zero carbon emissions
  • Healthy living – promoting better health and wellbeing, such as through access to green spaces and communal areas
  • Deliverable and scalable – homes that can be rolled out across the country


There will be three finalists who will have the opportunity to partner with developers to deliver homes on a site owned by Homes England. 


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This competition will harness all that technology has to offer to bring in a housing revolution: new low carbon homes that deliver low energy bills and independent living for older generations.

The new gold standard of the building will have the future in mind – not just in the UK, but worldwide.

Christopher Pincher MPHousing Minister 




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Leveling up environmental standards in new housing across the country is essential to end our contribution to climate change.

This Government is also investing over £6 billion to improve the energy efficiency of existing homes, and during this Year of Climate Action, we plan to go further to decarbonise buildings, with low carbon heating central to that.

Kwasi Kwarteng - Minister for Clean Growth and Energy 




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We want everyone, regardless of age, to live healthier, more independent lives. I’m looking forward to seeing great ideas for homes that will meet people’s needs with older age, and be somewhere you would have pleasure in living.

Building homes with all generations in mind will help us achieve our Ageing Society Grand Challenge by 2035

Helen Whately - Minister for Care